The City's Backyard
The City's Backyard with Matt Zako. A Podcast For New York City's Backyard or any city's backyard across the world! Covering Arts, Entertainment, music and the community!
The City's Backyard
The City's Backyard Ep 125 JOE WALSH drummer JOE VITALE drops by to talk about VETS AID 2024 coming to QUEENS, NEW YORK on Veterans Day! We talk all about the line up and the WALSH albums and tracks over the years!
Joe Walsh is coming to QUEENS, NEW YORK for VETS AID 2024 with his drummer Joe Vitale! We love having Joe drop by ...that's "Joe Bob" to Don Henley from The Eagles as what he calls him not to confuse him with Walsh when they all have played together on tour. We catch up with Vitale to talk about VETS AID coming to New York in November, plus we chat about the catalog of albums and songs with Walsh over the years. We like to dig deeper and discuss what are some of the Joe Walsh album cuts or deep cuts that Vitale enjoys playing out live. Joe Vitale but has played with The Eagles,( Joe Walsh of course), CSN, Neil Young, Peter Frampton, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, and more!
For more on Vets Aid tickets and this iconic classic rock drummer check out the two links while you listen to this episode!