The City's Backyard
The City's Backyard with Matt Zako. A Podcast For New York City's Backyard or any city's backyard across the world! Covering Arts, Entertainment, music and the community!
The City's Backyard
The City's Backyard Ep 123 OZZMOSIS....the country's number one Ozzy Osbourne Tribute Show! Coming to CT, MASS, DE, PA and more!
Are You An Ozzy Fan? Then Get Ready to Rock!
The members of the band take great pride in creating the next best thing to a live Ozzy performance that transports you through time to experience the energy of Ozzy Osbourne capturing his solo career from Randy Rhoads to Zakk Wylde. As the song says, “You can’t kill rock-n-roll, it’s here to stay!” Ozzmosis proves it every time. Join us on this journey of classic metal and relive the complete Ozzy phenomenon.
On this episode we chat about the band...the real OZZY and more with lead singer Ricky Woods and Bassist Andre! Mike and Jimmy are part of the band as well and you can see all of them this October at Park City Music Hall in Bridgeport, CT!
For more on this killer tribute log onto their website for other tour dates in your area!